To My High School Bully

To My High School Bully

Writing to my high school bully to hopefully break the cycle.  There is a bullying epidemic in this country.  Many children/teens who’ve been bullied, have taken their own life to escape it.  It’s our job, as parents, to do what we can to stop the bullying from happening. 

By Lisa Santiago

To my high school bully,

It’s hard to believe that 20 years ago, we roamed the halls of high school. You walked confidently through the halls as I hid behind my loose clothing avoiding eye contact with you and your friends.  You were comfortable in your skin and thrived on the fact that I wasn’t comfortable in mine. 
Back then were the days of AOL where you created a fake screen name just to taunt me and make fun of the fact that my family wasn’t swimming in pools of cash or the fact that my clothing was from Aeropostale and not Abercrombie. The fact that I had the same shirts in different colors because I was comfortable in those clothes. The fact that I had a FEW close friends that weren’t “popular” rather than tons of fake friends.  The fact that I was overweight

To my high school bully who is now a Mom, I forgive you, whether or not you want to be forgiven, I forgive you.”

Now, as an adult, I understand you did this because you were trying to make yourself feel better. You were just as sad as I was inside. You wanted to impress your tons of fake “friends”. But, I didn’t let you take control. I didn’t give you what you wanted. I didn’t let you break me
To my high school bully who is now a Mom (yes, social media snooping at its finest), I pray that you don’t teach your children to act the way you did as a teen. I pray you’ve grown and your children are being raised to be strong, confident, caring individuals. I pray you’re breaking the cycle.  I know, that my life experiences have helped form me into the smart, successful, loving, strong woman and mother I am today. I know I am influencing my children to be strong and not take anyone’s shit, but also to be caring, kind-hearted people who help others, like I do. 
To my high school bully who is now a Mom, I forgive you, whether or not you want to be forgiven, I forgive you. Now, I ask you to work with me to help mold our children to treat others the way they want to be treated. To respect others, and understand that everyone is different. To understand that everyone wears different shoes, and comes from different walks of life. To respect people of all nationalities, races, and genders . To NOT judge. To not focus on differences, but embrace them. My children are being raised not to see color, not to see size, not to see “status”, but just to see people for who they are. 
As mom’s, we all want the same thing for our children, to be happy, kind kids who grow up to become successful, kind, loving adults. So, my high school bully, let’s come together for the sake of our children and make that happen.
To all the moms reading this that were once bullied; FORGIVE.  Know that the bully was a teen who only thought about themselves at the time.  Pray that they’ve changed.
To all the moms reading this that were once a bully;  OWN IT.  Admit that your were an egocentric teen that didn’t care about others feelings.  Teach your children to embrace all people.